CBD for Kids

The use of CBD is growing, especially in America. It’s known for giving a variety of medical advantages, helping with problems such as chronic pain, mood disorders, seizures, and more. However, some may worry about CBD for kids: is it safe?

One of the benefits of CBD is how safe it is. In fact, it’s probably safer than you realize. CBD has no harmful side effects, it isn’t addictive, and it can be used in any dosage without fear of overdose. This makes it incredibly safe for all ages. Adults can administer CBD to their children and many do to treat things such as epilepsy and autism. Here’s a guide on CBD for kids.

Basics of CBD

For the uninitiated, it helps to know a little more about CBD. CBD is short for cannabidiol, a chemical compound or cannabinoid which is found in cannabis and hemp plants. When consumed, CBD offers a range of beneficial effects to the body.

It can be used in many ways, such as oils/tinctures, topicals, vape products, and more. All of these methods can help tackle a range of health problems. This is why CBD continues to become more and more popular.

While some people associate CBD with THC, the effects are very different and there is no ‘getting high’ with CBD. It gives you purely medical effects. What’s more, hemp-derived CBD Oil is legal in all 50 states, unlike cannabis.

CBD for Kids: Is It Safe?

Many adults these days freely use and buy CBD. However, users may wonder if it’s safe for their children.

Luckily, CBD is incredibly safe, especially when compared to other medications. Unlike treatments such as antidepressants and pain medications, CBD has no harmful side effects. Even in higher dosages, the most negative you can expect is drowsiness, nausea, and dry mouth. There’s also no risk of physical addiction and no withdrawal symptoms.

Studies on using CBD regularly point out how safe it is, and this applies to all ages. Seniors often use CBD for problems such as arthritis, and parents often use CBD for their children, especially when it comes to things like seizures.

Many studies and clinical trials test the effects of CBD on children. For instance, a study on using CBD for Dravets syndrome found that using CBD reduced seizures in children by 41.9% in a month. A dose of 20mg per kg of body weight was found to be safe and effective for use by children.

Even the World Health Organization vouches for the safety of CBD. While parents should administer CBD to their children, it’s very safe for them and there are no serious risks.

CBD for Kids: When Is It Used?

CBD can help children with all of the same issues it’s used for in adults. However, there are a few conditions and symptoms where it’s used more often for children.

Seizures are the most common. CBD helps treat various forms of epilepsy, such as Dravets syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. There are many studies which show CBD can be very effective in reducing seizures in children. In some cases, it may even eliminate them.

CBD is also commonly used for pain. Studies show CBD has powerful analgesic effects, helping treat various forms of pain from injury pain to neuropathic pain. It can also help reduce inflammation and speed up healing.

CBD also has great benefits for the skin. It can clear up a range of skin problems such as dermatitis, eczema, and acne. It improves skin health and appearance overall.

It also has a range of positive mental effects. CBD can be used to treat anxiety disorders and depression. It helps with OCD, social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, and more. Studies also show that it has antidepressant-like qualities. A single high dose of CBD can help significantly with reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. This can be particularly helpful for adolescents.

CBD Dosages for Kids

While you can use CBD for kids, you should be careful to give them the right dosage. For general effects, 10-20mg of CBD per day can often be enough to get many of its health benefits. Dosages can also vary depending on size and the severity of symptoms.

Studies generally recommend around 20mg per kg of body weight for children suffering from seizures. Anxiety and depression require more, and a single dosage of around 300-600mg can help. Usually, a dosage of around 25mg is used for pain, although children may need less.

Fortunately, you can use CBD at any dosage. This makes it safe to experiment with quantities and see what works best. For more information on how much CBD is necessary, view our CBD Dosage guide. Generally, children should need less than adults due to lower body weights.

How To Use CBD

If you plan to use CBD to help your child, there are various ways to do so. There are tons of methods of consumption for CBD. But some may suit children better than others. For instance, you might not want your child smoking, but there are many safer alternatives.

CBD Tinctures or Oils are one of the most common methods of consumption. These are used by applying a small amount of oil under the tongue and holding it there for 30 seconds to 2 minutes for sublingual absorption. It’s convenient, effective, and works fast.

CBD Gummies are another popular option. These fun edible treats are packed with CBD which is digested into the body for tons of positive effects. If you have a problem getting your child to use CBD, these should make it a lot easier. However, make sure you ration them out to get the right dosage.

CBD Topicals are also helpful. These work a little differently to other CBD products in the sense that they don’t reach the bloodstream. They won’t give the mental effects of CBD, such as the reduction of anxiety and seizures. However, they do have beneficial effects on the skin, making them useful for treating pain and skin conditions.


Using CBD for kids is safe and effective. You may want to check with a medical professional before you start CBD treatment for your children. However, with no risk of addiction, overdose or harmful side effects, there is no downside. You can buy and use hemp-based CBD Oil safely and legally and use it to help children with a range of problems.